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Dirty Buildings Campaign

After 5 years of organizing, the Climate Works for All coalition achieved a historic climate victory with the passage of the Dirty Buildings legislation in April 2019. This new bill, now Local Law 97, will require large buildings over 25,000 square feet to cut emissions by 40% by 2030 and 80% by 2050.


With buildings responsible for 70% of New York City’s emissions, this world-first legislation will have the single most significant impact on reductions to the city’s climate pollution to date, and will be a critical path to mitigate the threat of climate change in the most vulnerable communities. It will also lead to the creation of over 20,000 direct jobs each year to implement building energy efficiency upgrades and improvements. With our labor partners, we are working to ensure that these jobs are accessible to low-income workers of color and women through targeted recruitment, training, and hiring.


Most recently, we celebrated the expansion of Local Law 97 via intro 1947 to include affordable housing buildings where state law protects tenants from rent increases from retrofits.

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